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Session, Fee's and Term Dates

For further information get in touch

Our Sessions

Key Info

Mon 9am - 12pm and 12pm - 3pm

Tues 9am - 12pm and 12pm - 3pm*

Wed 9am - 12pm and 12pm - 3pm

Thurs 9am - 12pm and 12pm - 3pm

Fri 9am - 12pm and 12pm = 3pm

* Tuesday afternoon sessions are for Rising 4s

Term Dates


Term 1 - Monday 4th September 2023 until Friday 20th October 2023 (7 Weeks)

Term 2 - Monday 30th October 2023 until Friday 15th December 2023 (7 Weeks)

Term 3 - Thursday 4th January 2024 until Friday 9th February 2024 (5 weeks 2 days)

Term 4 - Monday 19th February 2024 until Wednesday 27th March 2024 (5 Weeks 3 days)

Term 5 - Monday 15th April 2024 until Friday 24th May 2024 (5 Weeks 4 Days)

Term 6 - Monday 3rd June 2024 until Monday 22nd July 2023 (7 Weeks 1 Day)** subject to change dependant on hall repairs or closures 


Session Fees

For any child up to the age of 3, session fees are £24.00 per session. (**FF2 eligibility details below) Session fee payments are accepted by cash or BACS (bank transfer) and paid at the beginning of either week, month or term (you will need to inform us when your child begins on your payment schedule) An invoice will be generated stating your fees for the term. Children will be entitled to 15 hours of Free Early Education (FEE) from the term AFTER their 3rd birthday for 5 x 3 hour sessions per week term time only (this equals to 570 hours per year over 38 weeks) This will of course depend on the availability of places. FEE hours can be shared between a maximum of two childcare providers. Extra sessions exceeding the 15 hours may be purchased, at £24.00 per session.(if availability allows) for eg; Rising 4’s session.


Admissions Fees

You will be required to sign an agreement when accepting a place at Jumping Beans Pre-School. We would appreciate a *£20.00 non-refundable registration / contribution towards administration costs and a school book bag when you accept a place for your child at Jumping Beans Pre-school.


Need to Know

(All funding enquiries can be checked at childcare choices website. We are currently awaiting more information from Kent County Council in regards of the two year old offer of 15 hours for eligible parents)

Funding for 3–4-year-old children - If your child is a 15-hour funded child there is nothing you need to do except confirm your child’s sessions and sign a declaration form that we provide for Kent County Council. If your child is a 30-hour funded child, then you will be required to access a working parents entitlement for 3 and 4 year old funding 30-hour code through Government website. If you are eligible there is extra funding available to boost your child's learning through Early Years Pupil Premium Funding (EYPP) Please visit the Kent Government site as detailed below for more information.

Parents whose child is eligible for the working parents of a 2 year old funding of up to 15 hours free need to access a code from the Government website and provide this to us on applying for a placement. Please visit the Government site detailed below for more information.

Free for two funding – you need to reach the criteria to access this funding and you can confirm this through your local children’s centres or online. Once you have been provided with a confirmation email please bring this to us and we can fill in a declaration form with you to access the funding for up to 15 hours per week term time. Your child may also be entitled to Early Years Pupil Premium funding.

If you have a child who is in receipt of disability living allowance or Education Health Plan they will be entitled for free for two funded places. Please see the Kent site detailed below for more information

For more information about funding please visit:

Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Free Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs

Sessions and Fees: Information Pack
Sessions and Fees: Image

Sessions & Fees

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